Sunday, January 27, 2013

Google Glass as a Market Research Tool

Market Research is all about panels of people - who have agreed (for payment) to answer survey's on all manner of products and topics.

In terms of tools - it has evolved from the Clipboard - to online survey's - and more lately - much the same thing on a mobile device.

As the above has progressed, new tools, called passive digital tracking have come along - and now - on top of answering (patience thinning RSI inducing pages of tick boxes) - the industry is also recording their surfing habits.

In addition - to this - one interesting tool - is the digital diary.

Every-time you buy a beer - click here!

Even on mobile - we have that same - can't be arsed user experience. Like ok - I'm having a beer - ok - my phone... ok ... hmmm where's that dam survey app among the sea of icons... ok cool - click load.... ok hmmmmm

Yeh way too slow - and a real pain.

I can't help something like Google Glass would be a Market Researchers dream.

Wack on the glasses - and just say beer - in the meantime - the glasses are busy recording all sorts of other data - location - images - video - audio..... additional contextual data - at no extra cost.

Beyond the cost of the glasses - and an outsourced android app ($1000 bucks top)

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